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May 19, 2022

Finance portrayed in arts and culture

Mary Childs—author of The Bond King, cohost of the Planet Money podcast, and dear pal of Cardiff and Aimee—joins The New Bazaar to discuss how finance is portrayed in culture and the arts.

Mary is both a finance journalist and herself a recreational painter with a comprehensive knowledge of the art world, and Cardiff asked her to choose an example each of a movie, book, song, TV series, painter, and contemporary artist to chat about on the show. Below are her choices, with links embedded:

MOVIE: American Psycho

BOOK: Lake Success

SONG: Paper Planes

TV SERIES: Succession

PAINTER: Bill Powhida


Mary and Cardiff then close the episode by talking about Mary’s new article in Town & Country on how rich financiers use art to wage cultural battles against each other. “These cases often spin out of control”, Mary writes, “because art is always more than its component parts. It can become a manifestation of personal identity and control. Sometimes the art itself becomes a cudgel.”