Reading two items Monday dealing with the trade debate and its impact on the American economy as a whole (How Trade Made America Great, Fred Smith, Wall Street Journal Op-Ed) and the personal economy of individuals (The 89% Pay Cut That Brought Trump-Mania to America’s Heartland, Bloomberg, Thomas Black), I was struck by the conclusion that both are correct and yet, are completely disconnected from one another. The concept of the ‘beltway bubble’ has been common to the lexicon in and about Washington, D.C. for a long time, but the last ten years has revealed an increasing discussion about the personal bubble of individuals and communities. Social media was even atwitter this week with a personal test of your own economic bubble. Regardless of who you are or where you live, unless you make a concerted daily effort to pierce it, chances are you are living in your own little bubble.
By: Armstrong Robinson, Prime Policy Group
Read the full article here.